Welcome to our Developer Spotlight series! This time, we spoke to Rafh, Morrow's React Native developer. Rafh has worked on exciting projects, like FoodReady, Hexsos, Inverso and Artcryption.

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What's your favourite framework, and why?

"It depends on the project we're working on. For web apps, my favourite framework to use is NextJS. The first time I used it, I was really taken aback by how fast the final website was. If you use a caching library like SWR with it, even the data fetching feels instant, and managing states is a breeze. For mobile apps, I love how React native feels so familiar with the tech stack I'm comfortable with, so instead of jumping from one tech to another, I have the luxury of becoming proficient with the language instead of knowing bits of it and forgetting if not used for a long time."

What's your favourite React Native library, and why?

"Right now, it's probably react-native-reanimated library. I'll be honest and say that I'm not the best with animations, but this library helps me every time we need those little interactions that bring out simple satisfactions. Not to mention how smooth the animation is. I haven't done animation-heavy apps yet, but so far, I never saw it below 60FPS, even without optimisations. I also enjoy watching YouTubers like Catalin Miron and William Candillon create beautiful animations using this very exemplary library."

See Developer Spotlight on Gray.

What's a must-have for any app developer?

"Knowing the basics is a must-have. I can't stress this point enough, as many fail to do that. Basics would be your foundation with any language you want to learn. JS, for example, is essential if you want to work with React Native and React. Without knowing these recipes, it can be daunting and frustrating whenever you hit a roadblock. Of course, this applies only to developers without much experience yet since you would probably become familiar with these technologies as you gain experience.

What's your favourite app and why?

"For me, the Grab App is almost essential for everyday use, at least here in the Philippines. UI is clear and easy to understand. The services it provides are unmatched right now. The convenience of ordering food from your home and having that safety net when travelling to your desired location is just one grab car away, which is pretty neat. Just the fact that it's available for most Southeast Asian countries speaks loudly for itself."

What advice would you give someone who's just started as a developer? 

"Don't rush things; keep calm and learn the basics. Keep yourself up to date with the latest technologies. The community is awesome, and learning materials are readily available if you look for them, so continue to learn and improve!"

"Enjoy the process and be patient. I don't know about you, but when I was new to programming, I'd grab any solution that worked on Stack Overflow and be confused about why that code worked, and mine didn't. I felt like I was not built for app development. But as you gain experience, there will come a time when every snippet you come to, you'll feel like you can almost understand what the programmer was thinking at that moment, which, to me, is beautiful. Also, this job can be pretty stressful, so make sure to treat yourself once in a while!"

See Developer Spotlight on Petko.

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